I started all my paperwork and noticed that in order to serve internationally I need a mammogram and a colonoscopy. The latter makes me really nervous. I have avoided this for 10 years. At first I was very reluctant but then came to the conclusion that I will put it in God's hands. He wants me to go, then this procedure will go smoothly. I am nervous because one person I know died from this and another almost died. I know there are other stories that give the opposite view of detecting cancer early and it has saved lives.
My other concern was the cost of this procedure. We have a high deductible insurance plan. But, I got a letter in the mail from IHC and they mentioned that I haven't done this procedure yet. The letter also made note that my insurance would probably cover this as preventive care. I called to verify and sure enough, it is covered 100%!
So, tomorrow I start the medical exams. Mammogram scheduled for 7am.