Sunday, October 20, 2013


We met Wednesday night with the Bishop Walter.  We had a nice visit with him.  We were his first missionary couple interview.  The interview was all about us and our feelings, our family, and how the finances worked.  Very different from a temple recommend interview.

Today we met with our President Miles, our stake president.  He is always so upbeat and was obviously very excited for us.  He also asked about our family and how they were all doing.  He testified to us that when we serve as missionaries, families are blessed.  President Miles asked if we were willing to serve where we were called and of course we said yes.  He asked if we really wanted to serve.  Mike said yes, he had wanted to 5 years ago.
I said yes, but of course the emotions of leaving and then I quickly added, "I can't go there."

So, we could have our call in 2 to 5 weeks!  Wow...  Are we ready?!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Recommendation Form Submitted

DONE!  Now it is a waiting game.  

Medical Done!

Me since 5 pm yesterday!
     Wow!  Glad that is over for the next 10 years.  I had 1 very small polyp.  I am not so sure that at our age, everyone doesn't have one.  They have to find at least 1 so that the diagnostic changes from "preventative" status to "diagnostic" so that they can charge you.  It's like does anyone at our age not have a mole or freckle?  Oh, well.  I went into the procedure room at 11:45 am.  It was really nice to have them say, "We the dream team are going to put you to sleep now."  I replied, "Okay." and I remember no more.  Out 20 minutes and I hear them say, "You are done now."  I was still in the same procedure room and they rolled me into a small recovery room where Mike joined me.  The doc came in and apologized that I awoke a little early?! Told him I didn't feel anything and he seemed relieved. Mike commented that he woke up in the recovery room.  
     I asked the nurse if I could have some of that sleeping stuff for home so it wouldn't take me 2 hours to get to sleep.  She laughed but then said that was what Michael Jackson used too much of.  I said, "Never mind."  

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Dreaded "C" Procedure

     It is now upon us.  Mike did all his prep work last night.  I think he was very nervous about this whole thing.  I am too!  I mentioned to him that most people had told me the hardest part was the clean out process. The actual procedure you know nothing about because they "twilight" you.  His comment and I quote, "I don't want twilight.  I want midnight!"  We both laughed.
    He had his procedure done this morning and was home by noon.  Only found one teeny tiny polyp. Mike assured me that the comments were correct.  They give you an IV and you are out.  He remembers nothing.  Hooray!  I am a little more relaxed now.
     I started the prep work tonight.  It really hasn't been as bad as all the internet comments make it out to be.  The solution to drink was kind of salty but still palatable.  Nothing like other things I have had to do in the past with my kidney stones.  That stuff made me gag! Literally.  So I am grateful for a better drink solution.  There is always a good side, somewhere!
Drinking that much though, made me cold so I have my electric blanket on.
     Procedure for me is tomorrow at 11:30 am.  I have to get up at 5 am though to drink another round. Cheers!

Dental work is all done though, so we will hand in our papers to Bishop Walter on Sunday.  :)