Today was full of excitement and gratitude for the short time we had together. We shared with each other all week the things that touched our hearts and souls: Jesus Christ and His Plan of Salvation. Most couples were headed out into the field and we said our goodbyes.

We did have classes this morning and did role playing again. We coupled with Sister Cisneros who came from Peru to serve her mission in New Mexico. She is a little older than us and a widow. Her children are all married and she decided to serve a mission and go wherever called. Her English is very limited, but her she is learning English. What an example for me to learn Spanish. Mike however, was able to do role playing in Spanish, which was a great for all of us. I listened intently and caught bits and pieces. He enjoyed teaching in Spanish and she enjoyed it too. In the afternoon we shared our experiences we had throughout the week and then we had couples that had been out in the field come and give us tidbits of advice.
We are home for Saturday. We will go back down on Sunday and attend church at the MTC. Scripture for today: Matthew 4:19-20
Thought for today: Even if you cannot use words to communicate, you can always give everyone a big smile and a big handshake.
Our Teachers for the Week
Our District L to R: Schiffman's Eklund's Carlston's Burnett's |
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