Saturday, March 22,
We had the
opportunity to spend some quality time with Hermana Berrios. She has been
dealing with some health issues so Nurse Pugmire put her on “no work” schedule
for one week. Usually she stays with Hermana Pugmire while her companion goes
out with another missionary for the day.
The Pugmires were headed out today, so she spent the day with us.Mike loved the opportunity to get her feedback in Spanish on his presentacion for tomorrow. She was quite helpful.
I started
my sourdough bread and then made some chocolate chip cookie dough. We had a charla at 3 pm, so Mike arranged for
Charo Lopez and her friend to come and visit with Hermana Berrios while we
left. I had them bake the cookies while we were gone. We wanted Charo to feel
the great spirit that sister missionaries carry with them.
We visited with
Yvonna and Jorge and their 3 or 4 year old son. They live a few doors from the
Lopez familia. Yvonna is Charo’s sister. It was a great visit. I could tell
that she had worked to make her little humble home presentable for us. Jorge is
very intelligent and grasped gospel principles quickly. He reminds me a lot of
our Skyler R. We challenged them to find a time when we could take them to
visit the temple. I don’t think it will take much to move them along in their
understanding of gospel principles.
When we arrived back at our apartment the cookies
were all baked. All the girls had a good
time together. They wanted the recipe, so Hermana Berrios translated it for
them. I packed up some cookies for both
of them to take home. We had a dilemma
with getting the girls home. It ended up that Hermana Berrios and I went with
them in a taxi. Mike couldn’t go with them in a taxi by himself. I didn’t want to come home in a taxi by
myself and besides, Mike couldn’t stay by himself with Hermana Berrios. So all 4 of us females took the small
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