Saturday, April 19,
We were at the temple by 7:30
am. It was very busy until 4 pm. As we were walkiing out to our van I saw a baby in the parking lot and started to
cry. I miss being able to
hold my babies, or give any of my family hugs and smiles. Poor Mike. He never knows when these waterworks are coming. I don't know either. It just happens.
We did facetime with the family because
everyone was at Kammi’s for the big easter egg hunt. I appreciate so much our technology. Everyone looked great. It seems that our
prayers for them are being answered.
Sunday, April 20,
We were able to attend our own Malvin ward today, because we did not schedule any orientations for Easter. Yisel
was there! We start with Relief Society and it wasn't until I sat down way across the room from her, that I saw her. By then, there were no seats available next to her. I did nod a "hi" and she smiled and nodded back. She was given a warm welcome and those that knew her came up to her after Relief Society and gave her hugs. Relief Society gave everyone a cute little handmade easter decoration. We attended the gospel essentials class with her. The sister that teaches that class is excellent.

We had to leave her though because we promised Aida and Miguel that we would attend Sacrament meeting in Camino Carrasco for Felices Pasquas with them. I told the relief society president to make sure she had someone sitting next to her during sacrament meeting.
We went to Camino Carrasco ward but Aida couldn’t come because she couldn’t walk that far. She has bad knees and she had no money for a taxi. Miguel was there though. He had a big smile on his face when we came and sat next to him. Church was out about 12:30 pm.
We came home to bake sourdough bread and then had an Easter dinner with Giles, Harris’, Office Elders and Sisters. We had a great meal of "wanna be ham" but it was the best anyone could do. We had great potatoes, salad, jello salad, asparagus, bread, and brownies with ice cream.
This was a big chocolate football |
We then had a charla at 3 pm with the Lopezs. We shared some of our easter goodies and Celeste's ring pops with the family. Mike mentioned to Ema that I was missing home a bit because of the Easter holiday and that's all it took for the water works to start again. Ema put her arms around me and spoke kind words to me of which none of them I understand but I did feel her love and compassion which was better that words.
Aww mom. *hugs* I can really sympathize with you. It comes and goes I promise! Just let it out when it comes and don't dwell. Picture it this way.... You now truly understand what people feel like who are separated from their families for any reason. That knowledge and true empathy goes a long way when it's your turn to comfort someone else.
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