Sunday, June 15, 2014
We stayed in a very nice hotel that the office elders arranged for us. We enjoyed a nice quiet dinner in their restaurant last night.
Then we got a call from the Stake President in Trenta y Tres whom we visited with last Sunday. He suddenly became aware of the fact the we had scheduled our capilla abierta during Mundíal and he was pretty sure that NO ONE would come. AHHH! That put us in a panic because as we looked at our schedule, pretty much all of what we had schedule just got blown out of the water. We had to call Bishops and reschedule. So today will be our last orientation until mid July and our next Capilla Abierta won't be until July 28th.
Mike changed our presentation a bit. He wanted to be led more by the spirit, so he dumped his powerpoint. I just show my powerpoint now. It went very well and he felt more comfortable. We were asked to talk again in Sacrament meeting, so having no better thoughts come to mind, we shared the same pioneer story. This time I paid more attention to the audience and they were ALL riveted to our story. I guess they enjoy hearing about the pioneers from a descendant. After our meetings we drove 7 hours back to Montevideo. Oh, and Happy Father’s Day! They do not celebrate this holiday in Uruguay.
Mike changed our presentation a bit. He wanted to be led more by the spirit, so he dumped his powerpoint. I just show my powerpoint now. It went very well and he felt more comfortable. We were asked to talk again in Sacrament meeting, so having no better thoughts come to mind, we shared the same pioneer story. This time I paid more attention to the audience and they were ALL riveted to our story. I guess they enjoy hearing about the pioneers from a descendant. After our meetings we drove 7 hours back to Montevideo. Oh, and Happy Father’s Day! They do not celebrate this holiday in Uruguay.
View from our hotel this morning. |
Can anyone guess what these machines are dispensing? They are hot water dispensers for the Uruguayan Mate drink. This is provided at a gas station. |
Monday, June 16, 2014
Wonderful P-day! Baked all day, to stay warm. Two different breads, granola, and chicken noodle soup for us and the hermanas.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Email day for Capilla Abiertas. Worked in office while Mike went with Elder Pugmire
I am writing this, so we all survived!
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