Thursday, June 26, 2014
The office elders washing machine broke so we helped with their laundry a bit and these are what one elder was still wearing.
End of the line for the United States today. |
We gave him some of Mike's socks.
We had a charla with Ivana and Jorge tonight. I gave most of the lesson tonight. We are starting the marriage relationship course that is provided by the church. We started with the first paragraph of the Proclamation of the Family. I did a visual object lesson with my spices because they were different sizes and would stack okay. I have no blocks. We stacked the spices with just one "block" underneath to see how high we could go. Then we stacked again with 2 "blocks" as a base and found that we could go higher. The object was to show that a "couple" standing side by side together is stronger than one standing alone. Their little boy Lautaro played with my "wanna be blocks" after our lesson. We also gave some new scriptures to Jorge as he didn't have any. Ivana said she had some. I think they are enjoying our visits with them.
Friday, June 27, 2014

Today was Camila's 18th birthday. We took her over a small gift that we bought at the distribution center. Alot of her extended family were there and they shared birthday cake with us. We sang Happy Birthday to her in English.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
I needed to go to the Portones Mall today to try and find ribbon for the Young Women's bookmark that I bought for Ivana's birthday which is tomorrow. I thought that waiting until 4 pm when the soccer game started in which Uruguay was playing would be smart because everyone would be home watching the game and the mall would not be crowded like it usually is on the weekends.
WRONG! The mall was open but all the stores inside closed their doors for 2 hours! The game was on the TV's everywhere in the mall. We decided to enjoy the culture and watched the game on the Big Screen in the foyer of the theater. There were no chairs to sit on so we stood. We tried sitting at the food court but the screens were too small to be able to see anything really going on. Uruguay lost though and they are out of the world cup now. The ribbon store opened back up and I got what I needed.
I came home and worked on my bookmark ribbon project for quite a while but it turned out very nice. I forgot to take a picture of it though.
I also worked on a movie maker presentation for the Pugmire's. The office elders asked me to get some of the Pugmire's mission pics and then we would show them on Monday. This is a surprise.
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Played the organ again at church. After church we went over to Ivana's to give her the bookmark I had made for her along with a new set of scriptures for her. I think she liked them. Her only comment was that she was not a "young women" anymore. I told her that we are always "young women"! She smiled.
I baked sourdough bread for the Pugmire's going home dinner tonight held at the mission home. All the adult couple were there and it was a very somber, spiritual, enjoyable, tearful evening. They shared their testimonies and we sang acapella "God Be With You" which was really awesome because we had all four parts going. Of course, it was difficult to sing while you cry.
Real ham, potatoes, spinach salad, homemade sourdough bread and a great dessert! |
Elder and Sister Pugmire |
President and Sister Smith and their daughter |
Martin and Sylvia Harris, temple missionaries |
Sister Cook, President Smith's son |
We did have some fun stories; President Cook |
Doug and Vonda Giles, temple missionaries |
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