Este Zone Activity was mi favorita: VOLLEYBALL!
YouTube: Este Zone Activity
Watch the instant reply of President Cook.
Those that did not want to play volleyball, played soccer or Uno. |
We cooked hamburgers for them. |
Our BBQ grill is small enough to fit in our van (barely). |
The ball was good, but having not played for a couple of years, arms still took the brunt. |
I had a great time! The shirt is an Este Zone T-Shirt from 6 months ago. |
Capilla Abierta for el barrio de Sarandi Grande
Sarandi Grande is a small branch located in a quiet town. Although small in numbers, their participation was one hundred percent. We had one less active that stayed the whole night and listened to the words of Christ several times. The non members that came were family members of the ward. A neighbor from across the street also came. Dark rain clouds promised rain but not one drop fell until the capilla abierta was finished. Great things will come because of this activity.
It was in this branch, that I happened to be looking at facebook and got news that Apostle L Tom Perry had just passed away.
YouTube: Capilla Abierta Sarandi Grande
Not a drop, until our van was loaded back up. |
Small but powerful branch. |
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Me: "Wait, there is one more Elder not in the picture with us." |
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