Not a good night for Mike at all. He was hit pretty hard with another vicious headache. He has never had one since we have been here. But it hit tonight. You know it is bad when he asks for a priesthood blessing. Elder Rydalch and Elder Pointer came over to our apartment around 10:00 pm. Young and powerful brethren because of their faith and priesthood gave him a health blessing. Mike said that after the blessing, he immediately felt relief which allowed him to relax enough to keep some pain meds from coming back up and get him through the rest of the night. A small miracle in the eyes of others maybe, but a huge miracle for us from Heavenly Father tonight! I have witnessed this wonderful priesthood power often throughout my life and I am so grateful that we have this as a part of our lives. I am not sure how other people survive without it! Maybe that is it. They survive but not as well as they could.
Monday August 25, 2014
Feliz dia de la independencia
Their holiday wasn't anything like the USA. Just a no work day so the streets were pretty quiet. No big fireworks or any big celebrations. But, we had a party. Elder Rydalch missed coming to the birthday party for Elder Taylor. I told him we we would have him over another time. At the office, he shyly asked me if we could do a dinner because he was being transferred. Of course if you are going to feed one you may as well feed all the office and assitants and sister assistants!
L to R Hma Schaelling, Elder Eraso, Elder Pointer, Elder Rydalch |
L to R Elder Aguilera, Hma Ots, Hma Schaelling |
Center: Elder Plautz |
The aftermath of serving the missionaries! |
Tuesday, Wednesday, August 26 & 27, 2014
New "oros" came in on Tuesday, so it was a cooking day. Wednesday was "cambios" or transfer day. I spoke in the conference for a brief 3 minutes and asked the missionaries to be like a pioneer and a scout. Leave your apartments in better condition than when you moved in! Mike taught them about how to test their carbon monoxide detectors and how to clean mold and keep mold out of their apartments. We also cooked 2 breakfasts and then a nice dinner for the "valientes" who are leaving for home tomorrow. We always take Mary home and she lives about 20 minutes out, so we got home around 11pm. Took care of some medical issues today too.
Friday August 29, 2014
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
Then one day he was shootin at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.
Well the first thing you know ol Jed's a millionaire,
Kinfolk said "Jed move away from there"
Said "Californy is the place you ought to be"
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly.
Hills, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars.
Yep, that song came to mind as we head on out to
deliver mattresses and desks and dressers to our missionaries in the Melo area.
Off to do another capilla abierta and capacitacion!
The countryside is beautiful and peaceful. The driving is anything but that!
Full to the max, again. |
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