We did not have a capacitacion today so we invited Miguel and Aida to go to church. We took them to their ward. They enjoyed going and people were kind to tell them that it was good to see them at church. After church we invited them over for lunch. I had a pot roast in the crock pot with carrots and potatoes, along with brussel sprouts and bread. I made apple cake with honey instead of sugar because Aida is a diabetic. But, we were too full to eat it so I sent it home with them. I do not think they had ever eaten a pot roast before. They just loved it.
Monday September 15, 2014
More food shopping for this next week. Hamburgers!
At 1 pm today, Sister Smith (other mission president's wife), invited some of us over to her house for lunch and jewelry shopping. She helps a lady earn money by inviting her over. I was not expecting this at all though!
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Every place setting had a gift. Hermana Smith said it was her thank you to us for helping with the cookbook we are doing for Christmas presents. |
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The table was elegant and so was the food and the dessert. |
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Hma Smith's daughter and Hma Giles I love Hermana Smith. She is such a loving and thoughful woman. |
Later this evening we drove to Pirapolis (1 1/2 hours) to pick up a hermana and her companion because of a possible appendicitis. It was raining pretty hard too, but fortunately the road we take is a great 4 lane highway. Much better road than going to Melo. We got her all checked out and it was not an appendicits. They were not sure what it was but they gave her some pain meds. We brought them to our apartment to sleep which was around 3 am.
Tuesday September 16
We fed our guest breakfast and then took them to the zone conference because fortunately it was their zone's turn (Minas Zone) so we didn't have to drive them back to Piriapolis.
Hermana Chavez and Hermana Pamiño |
The hermanas are so artistic and always leave thank yous!
After we cooked our hamburger meal, we needed to fix sack lunches for their bus ride home. After that we came back to our apartment and I baked cookies for the zone coming in tonight. At 7:30 pm we started baking the empañadas and fed the Treinta y Tres zone. There were 3 elders that needed some medical attention, so Mike took them to the hospital at 10 pm to get them all taken care of. He was kind enough to let me come home and sleep. He didn't get home til 4 am again.
Wednesday September 17, 2014
Fortunately for Mike we do not have to start our cooking day until around 10:30 am so he was able to sleep a little longer this morning. So we did our thing again, hamburgers and fix sack lunches for the bus ride home. We finished about 4:30 pm and then drove to San Ramon (1 1/2 hours) to pick another hermana and her companion to bring them into the emergency room to have her foot checked. The local clinic refused to see them and because it was the top of her foot that was in alot of pain, it was thought that it might be a stress fracture. She is a new missionary and not used to all the walking. Fortunately, it was just tendonitis. We fed them at the hospital and got them home around 11 pm. They love the hours they get to spend with Elder Burnett in gospel discussions. We arrived to our apartment around 12:30 pm.
Thursday September 18, 2014
SAME. Zone Rocha. Hamburgers and sack lunches. We had Elder Eraso go in tonight for some minor surgery. Mike went to the hospital to visit him even though we are both tired. He was glad he did because they had a great gospel discussion in the Elder's hospital room which he was sharing with another man. The man's wife was there also. Being aware that they could hear this gospel discussion, Mike felt guided by the spirit. When I asked him what they discussed he gave the general topic but said he honestly could not recall everything that was said. The topic was "how the bitter things of life would help us know the sweet." As he was leaving, the couple thanked him for his words.
Friday September 19, 2014
SAME minus the sack lunch. Zone Rocha. We had Elder Eraso and his companion come and stay at our apartment. He couldn't quite manage stairs yet. More great gospel questions and answers. They have alot of study time, so they have more questions to ask. I fed a group of them tonight because the office elders came to visit. Fortunately, I was having spaghetti, so add a few more noodles and a little more sauce. However, I didn't know that Elder Eraso could not eat tomatoes. So I fed him my leftover pot roast.
Saturday September 20, 2014
P-DAY well deserved! Except that I have 2 elders who LOVE home cooking. For dinner I fixed homemade pizza. I did a white sauce with ranch dressing and then garlic chicken for the topping. I made two 9x13 and they ate it all.
Sunday September 21, 2014
We did a capacitacion in our first branch today. They are in Pan de Azucar. They have a teeny ward building and it was packed full of great people. They even had 3 babies there. I have not seen that yet. Lots of young children, youth, and returned missionaries. They need a building expansion. If they converted more people, there is no where else to sit them in Sacrament meeting. I took a few pictures but I will take more pictures at their capilla abierta and you will see how small their building is. They have no piano so they use a CD player.
We also took the elders back to their apartment this morning.
Good thing. I am out of food!
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