Saturday, March 21, 2015
Capilla Abierta for Colon and Ferrocarril
Two wards that meet in the same building did their capilla abierta together. The hours were changed to accommodate the ferria. A newly wed couple took a chalkboard to the feria inviting people to come and know more about the mormons. As a result, they did have at least one family that came and were very interested. The wards did great being friends to people as they came into their chapel.
Colon y Ferrocarril
This is a very unique chapel. The front structure is from
an old catholic church that was on this property.
Our church was able to build a chapel only on the
condition that this front entrance
to the old catholic church not be part of the demolition. |
The children are interested in reading the posters. |
I generally stay in the chapel to make sure a reverent atmosphere is
maintained. |
These two great newlyweds and returned missionaries took the initiative
to wheel the chalkboard down the street to the open market (feria). |
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Getting ready for our capacitacion in the 18 de Mayo Ward. This is a new
building. An arson had set fire to the previous chapel. |
Mike teaching. |
My introduction. |
This is our favortie bumper sticker: "Su bocina no convierte a mi auto en helicoptero" Can you guess the translation? |
This is a tree branch holding up the electrical lines down the street from the chapel. |
These trees are in full bloom now. They are indigenous to Uruguay.
Sometimes we have to give rides to the missionaries after the capilla abiertas. That board on the ceiling is the image of Christ velcroed into place. |
The rest of the week:
Our love notes from the Hermanas. |
Cooking on our deck for the Elders. |
The Elders came over for a FHE. Some of them will be transferring. |
Elder Burnett always has their full attention as he teaches the gospel of Christ he loves so much. L to R: Elder Torres, Alder, Oliver, Moss, Delgado |
Elder Torres, Bauer |
Although I do think that if one were to tie up his hands, he would not be able to teach! What do you think? |
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