Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MTC Day Three

New young elders and sister arrived today at the MTC.  It was great to just feel the buzz of excitement and energy that these wonderful people have.

In our training today, we worked with "investigators".  It was a great exercise in that we could observe each other as we tried to present as a team and of course with the interaction of people we just met.   All of what we are learning is simply to give us help on how to help others come unto Christ.  Mike is used to teaching a Gospel Doctrine class, so he needs to reduce and simplify.  I am quite comfortable in letting him take the lead and say nothing, but he feels that my input is needed and valuable.
This morning was:
What principle or concept is being taught?
Why is it relevant?
Ask questions to assess understanding.
What do you feel?
Make a commitment.

This afternoon was How to Follow Up with Investigators Commitment
We have a great district. All power houses.  We were able to share our testimony with each other about the plan of salvation and give each other suggestions on others ways to present and say things.  The synergy was just awesome.

Sister Carlston ended up sick today, so we had to postpone our Family History lesson for another evening.  Mike and I are spending some (very) quiet time studying together.  Haven't had time for the Espanol yet.

Scripture of the day: D&C 50:13-18
Thought of the day:  I don't care how much you know, until I know how much you care.

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