Thursday, January 30, 2014

Run, Run, Go, Go, Go...

January 27th Monday:
Our last post was about our flight delay.  We actually didn't leave Salt Lake until 2:30 pm.  So the rest of day was as follows:

NO JOKE!! We missed our first connection that was scheduled from Dallas, TX to Miami.  The airlines said that usually they will just schedule you for the next available flight.  We got off the plane in Dallas and had to run to the other end of the airport in hopes that the airlines had indeed rescheduled us. The plane was boarding and it was the LAST flight into Miami.  The flight was scheduled to leave at 6:35 pm, but because they knew our flight was delayed, American Airlines delayed this flight 15 minutes until 6:50 pm. We popped into line at 6:50 pm.  WHEW!
Our next flight out of Miami left at 11:05 pm.  We ran again and had to catch a shuttle tram to the next terminal.  We arrived at the terminal at 10:35 pm and they were boarding the plane.  Ticket people scanned our tickets and put us on hold for about 10 minutes.  Seems they had given our seats to standby, thinking we would not make this flight.  Fortunately they still had 2 seats together so we were the last to board the plane at 11:00 pm.  We just hoped that our luggage was having a better time of getting on the right flight.  Because we were missionaries, American Airlines let us check all of our luggage for free.  This was extremely helpful while running the airport because all we had was our laptop bags.  So, we made it and now the 8 hour flight to Montevideo, Uruguay.

Tuesday, January 28th. 
We arrived in Montevideo at 11 am.  Not much sleep of course.  It took about an hour to get through customs and get our luggage.  It was a huge relief to see those on the conveyor belt!  As soon as we walked out, we were greeted by Elder Pugmire, the other senior missionary, and by several Elders and Sisters.  There was one other young Sister that was on our flight.  We didn't see her though until she joined us with all the other greeters.  It was raining, but warm!  We got into cars and off we went to the mission home. The mission home, chapel, and temple are all on the same block.  Very small temple, but beautiful just the same.  Mike and I immediately went to work in helping Hermano and Hermana Pugmire take the prepared food from the mission home and walking it over to the chapel next door. They had prepared lasagna and salad for us and 15 other new missionaries.  Mike got right in, talking with everyone and really enjoyed the whole experience.  I am doing okay, because most everyone so far does speak English. I do try some Spanish off and on.  It is more like Spanglish but in reverse. Just as a side note about our mission president. President Newsome and his wife were obviously well loved. They had to go home to the US because of IRS problems that were resolved before they came, but someone had a bee in their bonnet and opened the case again.  They had only been serving for 6 months.  The mission is still reeling from this event which only happened Monday.  Our interim mission president is President Etchaguary who is a native of Uruguay.  He has served as a mission president, area president, and as a general authority.  He will serve for 6 weeks until the new mission president is trained.  They are the Cook's.
After the cleaning up, the Pugmire's took us to our little apartment. Our complex is great. We are right across from the beach.  It is not modern compared to the US, but it is very nice for Uruguay. We are on the bottom floor, so we have no view. When the Pugmire's leave in 6 months we will take their bigger apartment which is on the 7th floor with views everywhere!  Right now we have 1 bedroom, 1 small bathroom, small kitchen and small living room. Mike gets us some fresh food and I am a zombie.  I take a nap.  We spent the rest of the time unpacking, getting somewhat organized and started our shopping list.  10:30 pm we collapse into our double bed with one pillow.  GONE for the night!

Wednesday, January 29th
Up at 5:30 am.  Big day at the mission home for meals. We had granola, almond milk, and fresh fruit for breakfast. Almond milk was $8 for 1 quart.  Maybe I will have to learn how to make the milk.  The Pugmire's picked us up at 7 am.  We cooked ham, french toast, and cut up bananas. There were 2 groups of missionaries to feed at different times.  Sister Pugmire was of course thrilled with our help. Her back is not well and she over did it yesterday.  So I had her just sit and direct, while we did the work. We stayed in the mission home all day.  Even though they had wireless access, no one there knew the password.  There was some slack time, so I sat and played the piano, studied my Spanish, and would go outside to dethaw. We also took a trip to the supermarket to get a few more things.  We then went to the El Granero where I bought some wheat, sugar, honey and nuts.  Air conditioners are on full blast because it is humid here.  But you know me!  I have to bring a sweater.  We fixed a nice dinner for the 8 missionaries that were going home.  Came back to the apartment about 8:30 pm.  We walked the "rambla" which is the walkway next to the beach for about 45 minutes for exercise and a chance to get some fresh air. Came back and went to bed.
Thursday, January 30th
Slower day today. Pugmire's are exhausted so we just visit with them and use their internet.

We did go to the mission office and the President visited with us and said he had talked to the Area Presidnet and asked what to do with us.  It seems they want us working with the less actives.  The mission office work is being handled by the young missionaries.  That is exactly what Mike wanted to hear!
Rest of the day spent on the internet with the Pugmire's.  Our internet and phone service with Vonage will not be installed for 2-6 weeks.


  1. I love hearing about your experiences. I takes me back!!

  2. Missing you today Mom and Dad! Love hearing about the wonderful work you are already doing in Uruguay.

    Went to the house for our homeschool day with Tara and kids and Ember went down to your bedroom first thing and was sad that "Grandma Debbie isn't home."

    Love you and praying for you and us!

    -Candiss and Family

  3. Grandma!! Grandpa!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!! :'( I cried last night because I wasn't able to see you guys when I went up to Taras house!

    - Summer

  4. Glad you found your wheat and stuff. Thought it might be first on your list. Fun to read your report :)

  5. This is my second try. I may not be able to respond here.:( Keep trying. I previously said that I thought that finding your wheat and stuff would be first on your shopping list. Your journal is really fun to read. So glad Mike got his perfect calling. :) So, in town there is a lot of English around :) Your apt. location beats downtown Trenton!! :)
    You are going to have a wonderful mission!! Proud of you guys!! Love my kids, each and everyone. :)
