Tuesday, January 14, 2014

MTC Day Two

Apostle David A Bednar came tonight as the devotional speaker!  They say that an apostle doesn't come very often.  What a special privilege and blessing to be instructed at the feet of an apostle of the Jesus Christ. His apostilic blessing:  Learn to wait upon the Lord.  Be patient and when you do you will see the tender mercies in every day life. 

Mike got the flu bug early this morning that put him out until about 1 pm.  He did come and participate in our afternoon classes.  He should sleep good tonight since he is feeling much better.

Classes were scheduled around our purpose as missionaries and how to help people come unto Jesus Christ.  We were taught in small groups by the young returned missionaries.  It was great to interact with them and their enthusiasm.  They enjoyed sharing and we lend our life experiences. The blend works really great.  One of our afternoon trainers proudly announced that he has a ring on order for his hopeful bride to be.  He has already talked to her father, so the next big step is to pop the question.  So FUN!  We did a lot of role playing and will do some more tomorrow.  I think it helps to say things out loud because even though you think you know it in your head, it sometimes comes out different with the mouth.  Of course, Mike is loving this part and keeps the other couples on their toes by asking the questions he always likes to ask. He plays the part of an investigator very well.

Scripture for today: D&C 43:15-16
Quote for the day:  Elder Bednar made this comparison:

Priesthood is not male. It is power and authority to act and given by God.
It is like an umbrella.  People are able to gather under the umbrella for protection. Someone has to hold the umbrella and the brethren are the ones asked by God to do so.

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