Monday, January 20, 2014

MTC Sunday

We spent Friday night and Saturday night back home to finish up other things.
Yesterday (Sunday), was absolutely filled with the Spirit all day long.  Relief Society had guest speaker Sister Wixom the Primary General President.  She was full of vigor, excitement and all smiles. Often times Mike and I have been discussing how to help people learn.  Sister Wixom reminded our group of sisters that we all need to "become as little children".  They are honest and they speak the truth.  They trust.
Before she pulled us into the scriptures, she told the following story that happened to her and a young elder. The elder came running into the mission office and exclaimed, "I have to tell you what just happened to me.
This dog and I had a major stand off.  He was coming after me, closer and closer and I had nothing to defend myself.  At the last moment as the dog was about to attack, I held out my Book of Mormon and the dog latched on.  Look Sister Wixom, here are the teeth marks!"  Sister Wixom took the book and sure enough, she could see the teeth marks all the way through 2 Nephi Chapter 11.  She then wryly commented that even the dog could not get through Isaiah!
She then shared with us 2 Nephi 22:2.  This mission is an opportunity to trust in our Savior as never before. The video My Joy is Full was shown and it touched the whole group of women. She asked us, "Were you there?" Sister Wixom suggested that if we ever get discouraged we should sing I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ.  Love others to church and do lots of prayers were her other admonitions.

Sister Wixom then gave us two challenges:
1. Tonight, write in your journal about how the Lord is my strength.
Because this blog is my journal I will give my answer as follows:
(Note this is the next day, because we got home later than usual and I was exhausted and went to bed.  I think there is a physical drain after being so involved with the Spirit all day!)
I know that Christ loves and cares for me as an individual person. He expects me to work hard but knows at the same time that I am weak in many things.  When I can go no more, He lends me personal witnesses through the Holy Ghost, that He is aware of all my needs. Sometimes it is just peace I need. Sometimes it is personal revelation.  Sometimes it is through others that strength is given.
2. Acknowledge the children wherever you are.

After Relief Society we had a break for lunch and then Sacrament Meeting started at 12:45.  We met in a large classroom and there were probably 50 people in attendance.  They are all branches here at the MTC so there must be 100's of branch presidents and counselors.  Organization of branches alone must be a full time + job.  This MTC is absolutely amazing. I wrote a note to myself about sharing the Book of Mormon.
It is a Chinese custom to pass tea to their guests with both hands.  It shows to the guests how valued theyare. Give the Book of Mormon with both hands and let them know how valued they are.  Read with them.

Our next meeting was the MTC departing devotional.  We read D&C 4:1-4.  The speaker had visual aids of what a sickle looked like and then what a scythe looked like.  The scythe could produce more with the same effort and then they showed a picture of a harvester combine.  
The missionary work is hastening.

After that devotional we had the Sunday devotional and our guest speaker was Sister Sheri Dew!  Wow, she is my favorite speaker. Some of her key points were:
Learn: Conversion requires immersion
We have the choice to serve alone or serve with the help of heaven
Access the power of Christ through the Holy Ghost
Ministry of angels will attend
She then shared a story of her last conference before she was released:She recalled having an access card that would open many doors at Church headquarters but not understanding the access that card could give her. “I was oblivious to what was available to me,” she said. She asked us if we were walking about and not utilizing things the Lord has already given us. What kind of access power do we have that we are not using?

After that devotional, we stayed and watched a presentation done by Elder Bednar at the MTC a couple of years ago on Christmas day. It was entitled The Character of Christ.  What a totally a powerful talk.  There was so much that I cannot even begin to write all that was taught.  But the main emphasis was that Christ always “turns out”.  The natural man “turns in”.  
He did a pretty good imitation of "Cookie Monster" who was a “turned in” type of character.  Elder Bednar challenged us to read the scriptures concerning Christ and His ministry and search how in every instance Christ always turned out toward others.  

A quick example he gave was from Matthew 4:2-12. After all the fasting and then this encounter with Satan, Christ had to be spent. But He heard that John had been cast into prison and He went.  

Incredible day!  

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