Tuesday, January 14, 2014

MTC Day One

We are official!  

Badges are in English, so we ordered Spanish ones.
Reported to the MTC at 10 am.

Most of the day was spent in an orientation type day.  There are about 40 couples and we meet in a ward building that sits behind the main MTC building.  There are lots of perks to being a "senior couple".  We can cut in line at the cafeteria.  Padded, upfront seats for the devotionals!  Lots of references to being senior such as: No heart attacks allowed, distilled water for C-Pap machines available, take a nap whenever, refrigerators for medications, get some exercise.

There are quite a few medical people going out from our group. We are all spread out all over the world.
The scripture of the day was: Matthew 19:29.
Quote of day: How can we do this?  One prayer at a time.

 We are staying in BYU Housing.  Our little apartment is bigger than what we have at home. :)
It seems we have come full circle.  Started in a little apartment here in Provo with just the 2 of us and now we are back.  Seldom in our married life have we ever lived by ourselves!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs and love to you both hope Mike gets feeling better :( thanks for the update !
