Monday, April 7, 2014

Arm in Arm

Sunday, March 30, 2014
We did our 2nd capacitacíon in the Camino Carrasco barrio. This one was held in their cultural hall, so Mike had a chalk board he could use to teach with. Our friend Aida walked in during our presentation.  That was a surprise! We sat with her during Sacrament meeting. She just loved being there with us. We found out from the Elders that Camino Carrasco is a shorter walk for some people, even though the boundaries are in Malvin Ward.  So, it solved the mystery of no one seeing Aida last week in the Malvin Ward.  She walked to Camino Carrasco. There was a simple but beautiful duet musical number during Sacrament playing the recorder and violin.
We got home about 2 pm and we fed the office Elders lunch. It was crispy, orange beef with rice.  Yum, yum. 
As soon as that was done, we took a taxi over to Ema’s and Ivana’s. It was raining hard but we shared umbrellas. Their word for umbrella is: paraagua = for water. Why didn’t they say paralluvia = for rain? Mike stayed at their house and the taxi took us on to Malvin Ward at 5pm. At first it was a little awkward because I know so little conversational Spanish so there was some silent moments while we were waiting for the conference to start.  But, fortunately the sisters came through and started visiting with both of them.  After the conference they did serve refreshments.  At first, I had heard that they were not going to because they feared too many people coming.  I am so glad they did, because Ema talked with several women she knew and they welcomed her with open arms.  They same was true for Ivana. Her seminary teacher came to her and invited her back.  The Primary president came and invited Lautaro to Primary.  Sister Zegarra and Sister Berrios both spent some quality time with her as well.  I asked them what they liked best about the conference and they both loved the music!  I thought that unique because the music is the only thing that is not translated in Spanish.  The music is all English.  The Relief Society offered us a ride home. Ema and I walked out the church, arm in arm and we both had smiles on our face.  When we first started to visit Ema, the Bishop had commented that he did not think Ema would ever come back. The Spirit did it’s miracle tonight.

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