Saturday, April 19, 2014

My First Public Talk

Sunday, April 13, 2014

We were up early to drive about an hour to Las Piedras to do orientations
for Obelisco 1st Ward and 2nd Ward. This building was huge!  The have a soccer
goal posts set up inside their gym!  They have an upstairs, main floor and basement.
Sunday school started at 10 am.  I got brave and did our introductions in Spanish.
Tears always flow when I talk about my family and how difficult it is to be away from them.  But I want them to know that it is a sacrifice for all of us and hopefully they will
be willing to sacrifice some of their time for this Open Chapel as well. Here’s my Spanish:

Buenas tardes hermanos. Somos Elder y Hermana Burnett.  Somos de Utah. Tenemos tres hijos y tres hijas y también tres indios apache que vivir con nuestra familia. Tenemos treinta y un nietos.
Presidente Monson quiere que su sirven para dos años. Es muy difícil dejar a mi familia pero tenemos amor para ustedes y Jesucristo. Gracias por sus amor.

Mike’s part is always wonderful. His enthusiasm for teaching them always shines forth. We attended their Sacrament meeting and I played their electronic keyboard. This one actually had the organ sounds that worked.  I think they enjoyed hearing the organ.  We were done at 12:30 and the other ward didn’t start until 2 pm and our part didn’t start until 3 pm.  We took a little drive around town and ate lunch in the van.  The 2nd presentation went well too except Mike was losing his voice from so much talking.  We might have him record his voice for the 12 minute powerpoint presentation that explains the capilla abierta event.  We also attended their Sacrament meeting. We were on our way home by 5 pm.  After a long weekend, I had no clue what to fix for dinner.  Elder Pugmire called us and asked us if we wanted to come to Elder Hatch’s farewell dinner!
Absolutely!  Dilemma solved.  Elder Hatch stayed 6 weeks extra so that he could help President Cook transition.  Elder Hatch served under 5 mission presidents.  There have been a lot of changes in this mission I guess.  What a great assistant to the president! 
We arrived home around 10 pm absolutely tired!  Busy, busy weekend!
Elder Hatch

Our House Keys

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