Monday, April 7, 2014

Ate Our First Uruguayan McDonald's Meal

Thursday, March 27, 2014

We worked in the mission office today.  Mike consulted with the office missionaries to get a feel from them where they need help.  We also worked on our next steps for every family we are working with. 
Our laptops will be our computers we use at the office but our batteries do not last long enough for a full day.  We took a bus to Portones Shopping Center to find a power converter.  Another new discovery we made today was that all bus stops are not created equal.  Our bus was D10. After waiting about 15 minutes, the first one just passed by without even looking at the wave of Mike’s hand. The second one was stopped at the signal and Mike flagged the bus, but the driver just shook his finger at us.                                                                        
Hmm?  We noticed one more bus stop further down the road so we walked there and did see some faded signs that stated this was D10 along with 6 other signs for different routes. We waited another 15 minutes for the next bus. Lesson learned. 

We decided to eat our first McDonald’s meal.  I have to say it was yummy. Mike got the French fries which he said were great. I got the salad trying to be the healthy eater.  The salad was fresh with good lettuce and fresh tomatoes but my only choice for salad dressing was olive oil and white vinegar which came in separate packages.  So I think next time I will get the fries. 
We found our transformer, but wanted to find the DVD for Disney’s Cars.  We went to every store we could find, but no one had it.  The DVD selection wasn’t great to begin with.  So, keep your eyes open for the DVD in Spanish. Message me with facetime, or facebook, or email if you do find it.  If we haven’t found it by then, we will have you buy it and send it to us with our next care package. 
We caught a taxi back to the office and Elder Pugmire was there, so he gave us a ride back to our apartment.  Mike had a charla tonight with the Elders.  They were a bit nervous about this one, because the lady had been given some negative and incorrect information about the church.  When Mike came home, he said it was a great lesson.  The Spirit was there and he was able to answer all her questions and share his testimony.  This lady was the mother of a 17 year old boy that is supposed to get baptized tomorrow.  Her signature is required for this.  The boy is anxious to get baptized and wants to prepare for a mission.  We will find out tomorrow, if the mother will allow his baptism. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Transportation down there sounds...frustrating. =/
