Monday, April 7, 2014

Being a Part of an Historical Event Even in Uruguay

Saturday, March 29, 2014

I gave piano lessons at the Malvin ward today for Charo.
We visited with Jorge and Ivana and I gave a miniscual part of the lesson in Spanish. We taught forgiveness. I also invited Ivana to the Women’s Conference tomorrow night. Mike told her that her mother was going too. I could tell by her facial expression that she was very surprised that her mother was going. She said if her mother was going, she would go too. Mike said he would come and help Jorge babysit their son, Lautaro. I am so excited to have these women come! 
This evening, the baptism was held for the 17 year old young man.  His mother was there too.  I played the piano.
We rushed home so I could watch Women’s Conference which started at 9 pm my time.  I have been anxiously anticipating this great historical for two reasons:
1.  I like being part of history and this was the FIRST ever conference for females, ages 8 years old and up.
2.  I can listen to this in ENGLISH! 
About 3 minutes before 9, Sister Zegarra and Sister Berrios came by to visit.  I invited them to dinner which they gladly accepted, but Mike was the gracious host and let me bask in greatness of the Women’s Conference.  He loves me so much and shows it all the time.  I married a wonderful man.
I loved all of conference, especially the bright spring colors and the fabulous choir. 

If you didn’t get to see this event, here is the link:

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