Saturday, April 19, 2014

Capilla Abierta Barrio de Aeroparque

Saturday, April 12, 2014

We did our first Capilla Abierta for the Aeroparque Ward.  It has turned cold and this morning it was still raining. Some of the ward members thought it might be best to cancel and move it to a different day.  We told them we couldn’t reschedule until a year from now.  By afternoon the rain had stopped, but the wind was still blowing and it was cold.  I had only brought a sweater and was wishing I had my coat. 
The Bishop of this ward is the best worker and dedicated does not even do him justice. I think he was solely responsible for every person that walked into the building.  He stood out front and waved people down or talked to them as they were walking by.  He did this for 3 hours!  It was cold out there.  We finally made him come in and join the baptism that was scheduled on top of the Open Chapel. 
The ward did a great job in presenting their part too.  The missionaries told us that all the active members were there.  This made for a great baptism since everyone was there, including some of the people that came for the Open Chapel.  I think we were probably the only Capilla Abierta that had a live baptism! 
We arrived in Aeroparque around noon.  The event started at 4 pm and was supposed to end at 8 pm but it was dark and cold by 7 pm so we ended early. 
Mike drove the sisters to their place which took about an hour.  When he got back, we packed up our things and crammed 4 Elders into the van with us and took them to their apartment.  We arrived home around 9:30 pm.  
The following are that stats from this event:
Number of Visitors (total)                24
No miembros                                             18       
Miembros                                                   4        
Miembros nuevos                                       2
Referencias (Total)                             14
Send the missionaries                                 8         
Contact via email                                        3
References from a friend                            3                                                         

Participation from members (poca, media, mucha)  MUCHA  25

Aeroparque Ward

Missionaries and Members for Instruction

Perfect way to end a blessed day.

L to R Hermana Zegarra, Silva, Chen, Alvarado, Hernandez, Berrios

Member who is ALWAYS smiling and the awesome Bishop Martinez

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