Monday, April 7, 2014

We Have a VAN!

Monday, March 31, 2014
P-Day  I baked bread, zucchini cookies and my made  my own corn-flour tortillas!  They were not exactly flavored like the store corn tortillas, or if I were using Masa Harina, but they were still good. They were a lot of work though because of having to individually roll each one. I made about 16.  I paid bills and had a great visit via Skype with Briana.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The trees are changing colors!

The Mission Home

It was cooking day for Zone Conference.  

WE HAVE a VAN to drive for 6 weeks!

At 8:15 pm the young women in the Malvin ward asked me to join them and they wanted me to accompany them on the piano while they sing a song for their New Beginnings program in a couple of weeks.  I also gave piano lessons to the group of about 8. Everyone played, There is a Green Hill Far Away. They all had fun.  I will continue lessons every week until they don’t want me anymore.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014
We met with the Area Finance person this morning. I was very bored because it was all in Spanish and it was a 2 hour meeting. I was also a popsicle by the time the meeting was over. They had the air conditioner on full blast. All the men wear their suit coats, so it doesn’t bother them.
I worked on a lesson about families in Spanish for Aida and Miguel for a 4 pm charla.
Aida is always so happy to receive us and she always has juice and some kind of sweet bread for us.  The lesson went well and she appreciated my Spanish efforts.  At 5:30 pm we met the Elders in Camino Carrasco to give them more flyers to hand out for their open chapel. We then got our first gas fill up. It is a good thing that this expense is covered by the mission.  Gas is about $7.50 per gallon.  We arrived home about 7 pm just before dark. Our headlights do not work. The parking lights and 1 fog light and our brights work. I fixed salmon for dinner with yummy apple cole slaw.  I heard the sisters about 8:30pm going up to their apartment so I invited them in to finish up the slaw and fed them homemade rosemary/garlic sourdough bread.  I didn’t sleep well last night so I am going to bed early!  10pm

Thursday, April 03, 2014
We worked at the office.   I am creating a powerpoint presentation for Mike’s talk he gives in the orientation for the open chapel. This evening we met with the Bishop, Ward Mission Leader and missionaries for the Malvin area in a 2 hour meeting on  possible converts and less actives.  My listening and comprehension of Spanish doesn’t do very well in the evenings.

Friday, April 04, 2014
Mike and I created a schedule to try on follow for the week.
7-9 am: Walk, companion study of Spanish, breakfast, dressed
9 – 10 :Personal study
10 – 1 pm: Mission Office
1 – 2 pm: Fix main meal for the day
2 – 3 pm: Eat and clean up
3 – 4 pm: Plan lessons for charlas
4 – 7 pm: Find and/or Charlas
7 – 9 pm: Charlas

We had set a morning appointment with Ema for family history but she had to cancel because she needed to babysit her grandson.  We went to the office and worked.  At 4 pm we had another family history appointment with Aida and Miguel.  We didn’t get too far because we didn’t have her membership #.  We also dropped by to see if Roxann was home and she was so Mike and I visited with her past dark. It was productive and we set a time to come and visit with the whole family on Sunday evening, after conference.
Garage Sale for the Scouts!

Can you find the Scout symbol?

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