Monday, April 7, 2014

The Eagle House

Saturday, April 5, 2014
We got up early so we could get all our shopping done before we went sightseeing.
We took our van and the Pugmire’s car. Our group was the Giles, Harris’, Pugmires and us.  We left around 9:30 am and drove about 45 minutes to see a house that looks like an eagle. It was interesting and the beaches up the coast were much cleaner than ours.  I think we are close to a river that dumps into the ocean, so our beach water isn’t as clear. 

At top taking pictures

1979 and 2009

Burnett's  Giles, Harris', Pugmire's

Video Clip:Video

You will never see this in a junkyard in the States!

Bushes growing on the tail.

The Harris’ had us over for conference and fed us sloppy joes and all the trimmings.  I brought my salsa which was well liked.  
Huge birthday candle for Sister Harris.

We had a charla set up in between sessions with Jorge and Ivana.  We got there and no one was home.  I guess we got times mixed up because she was at work.  We decided to walk on down the alley to her mom’s, Ema and Pedro and we found that the Bishop and Relief Society President were visiting.  Ema seemed pleased and happy.  We were happy too!  The ward is really stepping up to the plate!  After conference, Mike brought me back to the apartment. He went to the Malvin chapel to watch priesthood with the missionaries and I studied some Spanish and had a nice visit with Mom and Rhonda via Skype.  Priesthood didn’t start until 9 pm here, so we got to bed around midnight. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014
We stayed in our apartment and watched conference on our laptop.  I thought the whole conference was just great as it always is.

In between sessions we had the monthly “Break the Fast” lunch with the temple missionaries.  This lunch is my marker for how long we have been here.  This was #3.  President Diaz and his sweet wife said their goodbyes.  They are being released at the end of the month. 
The Diaz's gave this to everyone at the luncheon.

After the luncheon, we facetimed with Kira for a bit.  Her hair is getting really long! 
At 8 pm we went to the Sequiera family’s home. (We are still without headlights) Ariel and Roxann and their sons are just fantastic.  Roxann’s mother was there also.  We gave a lesson on the Plan of Salvation.  They were very engaged and I think they learned.  I gave my short Spanish part too.  The best part was being able to facetime with our family.  It was birthday night for our 2 one year olds, Lincoln and Porter and our 15 year old Cecily.  Roxann’s mother was grinning from ear to ear as she watched chaos reign!  I guess it was like watching America’s Funniest Videos.  Uruguay does not have big families, so this was a great experience for them.  We left with a commitment from them to have some lessons on the priesthood and one son ready for the Aaronic priesthood and the other ready for the Melchizedek priesthood.  We came home and visited with our family some more.  Midnight again!

Monday, April 07, 2014
P-Day and it has been raining off and on, so drying our clothes has been challenging. Our bed has our drying racks on top of it because it is very little room.  The sisters came over this afternoon to do email and I fed them of course.  They had never had potato/cheese soup before and they loved it.  It was pretty good.  Went well with my bread and a rainy day.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your diary very much. So much progress with your used-to-be inactives. :)
    Lots to learn between cultures for sure. I did get a little homesick myself as I watched the video on the beach. All your talents are coming into play now and I would say you are launched successfully!! :)
