Thursday, May 1, 2014

I had a first today. Can you guess?

Monday, April 14, 2014
P-Day.  Slept innnnn…..

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
I had a first today.  Can you guess? 
This was the first time in 40 years that I was not doing IRS taxes on this day!

The mosquitos are thick today. I am not sure why.

We worked in the temple with the youth doing baptisms. It was a very busy day.
The country is on "easter break" but they have changed the terminology to "semana de turismo". Because of that, there is no school this week, so bus loads of wards from the interior are coming to the temple.

I was so involved with trying to get dinner ready tonight after our busy day, that I had forgot the YW New Beginnings practice.  Fortunately, because the spirit couldn't whipser to me because I was so busy, it whispered to Mike and he remembered.  We ate a very late dinner.  Young Women's doesn't even start until 8:30 pm.  

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Temple again.  Not too busy.
There are still lots of mosquitos.  They love Mike. He has bites all over his legs. 
We literally run to our van with our heads covered.  
I shared this statement with the sisters today and they enjoyed it.  I think they enjoy my spanish too.
Tengo que amor por Uruguay, pero no tengo amor por los mosquitos.

Tonight we helped Miguel and Aida put their parents names into FamilySearch.  Aida is very excited to do this.  She has her tree all ready drawn out on a piece of paper. 


Thursday, April 17, 2014
12 hour temple day.  BIG groups all day. Need I say more?  Nope.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Not such a busy day for me because they had plenty of help.  
Tonight we had a charla with Yisel that I prepared. We invited her to come to church for Easter Sunday.

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