Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Capilla Abierta Barrio de Obelisco 2

Friday, May 2, 2014

Capilla Abierta con Obelisco 2.  Location: 1 hour north of Montevideo in the city of Las Piedras.

I noticed that 2 women of different tours that were visibly moved by the words of Christ in the chapel. The young people from this ward were huge participants in bringing people off the streets and into the meetinghouse. The members did a great job with their booths and refreshments.

# de misioneros: 14
# de miembros en recorridos (tour) : 18
# de miembros no en recorridos:       10
# de no-miembros:  36
TOTAL:   78


We didn't have to pack up the van tonight because we have another capilla abierta with Obelisco 1st Ward tomorrow.  We did have to drive the sisters to Santa Lucia. That is about 1 hour further out from Las Piedras which is the city where the chapel of Obelisco 1 and 2 are located.  So we got home around midnight.

Here is the video link: Obelisco 1
Plaque in Las Piedras Central Plaza.
Can you see our reflection?

Las Piedras Central Plaza

Bought some warm winter boots.

Barrio de Obelisco 2
Hermana West and Hermana Miller

Hermanas Baird, Altamirano, Peterson, Bertuoli
Elder Hughes
Elder Torres

Elder Vega
Elder Romero

Elder Poulter

Priesthood Power
72 Hour Emergency Vest

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