Thursday, May 1, 2014

We have bookings into August!

Monday, April 21, 2014
P-Day!  Mike is very sick.  No shopping today. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014
It is getting colder.  We turn the heater on in our bedroom now just before bedtime.  Mike is a tiny bit better.  I studied Spanish.  Still not sure if I will ever be as good as people expect me to be.  It is pretty hard for me. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Mike is much better, so we ventured out to the office and discovered 3 huge buses there and 4 vans.  We witnessed our first Cambios. This is the day of the changes for companionships and areas. There was lots of energy there and plenty of suitcases, trash bags turned into wanna be suitcases, and taped up boxes. 
We did a 2 hour charla with Aida and Miguel. She has been watching conference on the DVD’s I burned and gave to her and she is reading a Liahona that we gave her.  She was full of great questions that she had written down.  
Sister Berrios has been changed to Melo which is about 6 hours away.  It is sad to see her go but she is training a new oro from Canada and will be a great teacher. 

Sister Zegarra has a new companion and her name is Hermana Schaelling. 

Prayers are on overtime for Takoda.  Kammi just told me he has a new tumor in his right eyelid. Surgeon will see him in June. That seems like a long time away. It is called Plexiform Neurofibroma. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014
We are booked for open houses until August.  The other mission has no other couple to do the open houses so the van is ours.  Every weekend is now full until August.

Friday, April 25, 2014
We are getting ready for our big weekend.  I had to change shopping around from Saturdays to Fridays. 

I baked bread and I believe the Elders were driving by and smelled the bread baking, because all 4 of them showed up on our doorstep right after the bread was done baking!  They have never done that before.  So out of the 3 loaves, I have 1 left. 

Our flyers were delivered late this afternoon.  Thank you Myron for the new design. Everyone loves it!

We had a great charla with Yisel.  I tried to tell her in Spanish it was good to see her at church on Sunday, but I failed.  Mike had to help.  I don’t know why it gets so jumbled up between my brain and my mouth.  

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