Tuesday, May 13, 2014

From the Eyes of a child....Capilla Abierta Barrio de Obelisco 1

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Capilla Abierta con Obelisco 1

A comment from a reference card: "I loved everything they told me and I would like to attend and learn more."

YES!  This is what is so wonderful about these events.

# de misioneros:  20
# de miembros en recorridos: 15
# de miembros no en recorridos: 10
# de miembros menos activos: 3
# de no-miembros:  30


Video Link: Obelisco 1

This night was VERY long. We had to drive sisters to Santa Lucia like last night and then another 45 minute drive further north to San Jose de Mayo. We then had to drive back to Las Piedras (1 hour 45 minutes) and load up the van and then drive one hour to the mission office and then 10 minutes to our apartment.  1 a.m. we finally dropped into bed. Not sure our schedule matches the missionary handbook!

Hermanas Lanuza,Bullock,Smouse,Gines,Neuffer,Nelson

My favorite moment of the evening.

Lots of missionary power tonight!

There is some fun mixed in with the work!

Can you guess how pizza is delivered? The mode of transportation
is on the corner.
Yep! A wood box on the back of a small motor bike.

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