Thursday, May 1, 2014

Capilla Abierta Barrio de Camino Carrasco

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Camino Carrasco Capilla Abierta
All the active members were there in full force. Probably about 30 of them.
It was pretty busy for about 2 hours.  Most of the people that came were from
passerbys that the elders or hermanas bring in from the street.  But there was one great couple that came in because of the invitation that was left on their door.  They mentioned that they walk by the church quite often and always wanted to come and see.  So, with the invitation, they got all dressed up and came.  They loved it stayed the whole time.  I would be surprised if they did not become members. 
Here are the stats:

VISITANTES         #                  REFERENCIAS    #   42
# de misioneros      12
# de miembros        26
# de no-miembros   14

Video: Camino Carrasco Capilla Abierta

el obispo

We spent alot of time together. I could understand her spanish.

We picked flowers until dusk.

The couple in the foreground that came because of an invitation left on their door.

What is Grandpa Elder Burnett doing?

Ah-Hah! Doodle Buddy on the IPad.

The missionary team.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

We did a capacitacíon for Las Piedras 1 and 2. It is about a 45 minute drive. These two wards meet on top of each other. We did one presentation at 10 am and the other at 11 am.  That helped us get home a lot earlier than expected.  After being sick all week, we were concerned that Mike’s voice would give out, but he did great as always.  

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