Thursday, May 15, 2014

"When what to our wondering eyes did we see?"

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014
President Cook called us this morning and asked if we would be available to pick up two missionaries coming from the CCM (MTC) in Brazil. Their flight was delayed and everyone from the office were involved with a 3 zone conference and could not pick them up.  Now that we have a van we could most certainly accomodate them and their luggage.  The airport is about a half hour drive. We arrived and found out that their flight was not just late, it had been cancelled.  They were scheduled for another flight from Air France and would arrive around 11:30 am.  So, we left the airport and went to Geant (Walmart sort of) to kill some time.
We had some visual aids we wanted to see if we could find. We have an object lesson in mind to help people understand why coming to Sacrament meeting is so important.
We often have people come up to us and ask for money.  Mike is uncomfortable not taking care of the poor and I am uncomfortable in giving money because I know it is probably not going for food.  We decided to keep some apples and crackers in our vehicle so we could just had that to them.  So we needed an ice chest/ igloo of some sort.  Plus, it would be nice to have an igloo for our long trips that are coming up shortly.
We were also looking for an inexpensive, small picture frame so that we could put a picture of Christ in it and give it as a gift to people who have been so kind to us here.
We were a little hungry because we left in a hurry, so we ventured forth to McDonald's that was in Geant and ordered a bagel/egg sandwich.  I would have ordered a hamburger, but they weren't serving those yet.  Yep, hamburger would have been MUCH better.  The bagel had nothing on it and it was very dry. Never again!
We went back to the airport and "what to our wondering eyes did appear?", not just two missionaries but quite a few more!

Two belonged to our mission and the rest were going to the other mission.  We called President Smith to find out why his mission was not there to pick them up, but he did not answer.  We finally called our President Cook and he found out that they were on their way.  It seems the airport had told them 1 p.m.  Meanwhile these wonderful "oro" missionaries were starved because of all the flight delays, so we treated them to the only food available at the airport.....McDonald's!  I should have waited an hour and I could have had a hamburger!

We took our two missionaries to the Zone Conference as instructed by President Cook.  They were just finishing lunch and we were able to have pictures taken with the zones.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Nice charla with Aida y Miguel.  Sweet Aida was all nervous about her temple recommend interview. She thought the questions would be about her knowledge of the gospel. Got a call later tonight saying that they both now have their temple recommends from the Bishop.
It is so wonderful to participate in the lives of so many people. And not just the ones here on this earth. We are helping their family on the other side as well!  Truly a marvelous work and a wonder.  

Thursday, May 8, 2014
Office day.  

Friday, May 9, 2014
We were called to work at temple in the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. It only took a couple of hours to catch up on your blog -- but I made it. Loved all the pics and stories. Each of you are really doing the work of 3 or 4 missionaries!! Time flies when you are so busy!! You will see more and more the fruits of your labors:)
