Thursday, May 1, 2014

Asado de tacos...Is there such a thing?

May 1, 2014

It’s May, It’s May!  The lusty month of May…  Song from Camelot.  I always sing this song on May 1st.   Oh, wait.  Can I sing that song?  Well, even though I am a missionary....I am still totally in love and married to a great man, my missionary companion, my eternal companion.  

Mike bought me some beautiful roses too!

It is also a big holiday here. It is their Labor Day. Everyone is off.  No buses running and very few taxis out.  No grocery stores open either.  The air is filled with the smell of burning wood because everyone is doing their “asado”.

We fed the assistants to the president at lunch time.  We couldn’t do an “asado” for them so we did TACOS because I found corn tortillas at Inglesia.  We did almost the whole thing. I made fresh salsa. I made refried beans.  We used our delicious taco seasoning that was mailed to us.  I made Mom’s Amish apple cake and added blueberries because I found some of those at the Granero.  That was yummy, warm out of the oven with fresh whipped cream on top.  Yes, I spoiled the elders, but they deserve it.  Oh, I also baked bread because I was out and tomorrow we have a capilla abierta and I won’t have time to cook or bake.  So, I sent them out the door with some fresh salsa, fresh bread, and a fresh dessert.

We had a charla with Yisel. She had requested that we teach her about how other churches came to be.  So I prepared my part on the restoration and Mike prepared his part on the apostasy.  I found a nice video in Spanish about the First Vision from  So, my part was easy.
English Language link: Joseph Smith's First Vision 
I did prepare my own testimony to add to it. When we arrived at Yisel’s home, her sister was there with her daughter.  We invited them to join us and they accepted.  Wow, what a strong spirit prevailed.  Her daughter was probably 15 or 16.  They both had tears flowing as Mike taught them and as they watched the video.  I had tears come as I shared my broken Spanish testimony of Joseph Smith. Yisel’s sister had questions about the name “mormon”. Other questions about why God is letting the world get worse.  We spent over an hour in Yisel’s home.  After all was said, we asked Yisel if we could set another appointment and the sister spoke up and said she wanted to be at the next one.  She doesn’t live close she said, but she wanted to come!  I could feel the sweet spirit of her daughter too. I told her daughter that I could feel something very special about her.  WHAT A POWERFUL afternoon.  We have another charla set for Mother’s Day Sunday.  

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