Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanskgiving Day

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!  Naturally this is not a holiday for Uruguay, but Hermana Cook graciously offered to do a traditional thanksgiving dinner for the couples and the office elders, assistants, and the hermana assistants.  I think we had a total of 20 people.  I bought a turkey about 3 months ago..She was 10 lbs and cost me $50.  You can bet I will make soup stock from the carcass to get all my money's worth!        

 I brined my turkey this year. It was very moist and yummy!

We sang Christmas Hymns after our meal. I accompanied them on the piano. 
We were all grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and our families.
Anderson's on the left are the new kids on the block.

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