Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Uruguay Snow Plow?!

Friday February 21, 2014
Viernes 21 Febrero 2014

Can you believe that Uruguay has a snow plow!  

Well, maybe more like a beach plow!

We did our early morning walk on the beach. 

A Beautiful Sunrise

Our first appointment of the day was with Elder Rydalch and Elder Gardner at 10 am.  We met them at the mission offices.  So to get there, we learned another bus route.  Mike does pretty good at figuring out the bus lines.  I think there is an online help for all of that.  He spent the morning teaching them and they so enjoyed it.  I gave them a loaf of bread and I hope to find out on Sunday how they liked it.  After our meeting we rode the bus back and to our apartment and spent the rest of the day there.  Mike worked on his presentation packet he wants to give to the Stake President.  I worked on my 8 liner presentation in Spanish for Miguel and Rita.  I have memorized 4 lines.  I have enough of the basics down in my head to start putting simple sentences together.  In between all of this, I do fix our meals. We bought some pickles at the Granero and they were awful just by themselves.  I think they have only been pickled with salt and vinegar.  But, they were okay mixed in with a tuna mixture.  I could probably dill them up if they had dill weed.  
We got the car about 8 pm tonight and went to what Elder Pugmire referred to as the Wanna Be Walmart.  The name is Géant.  
The store was definitely a lot like Walmart.  We went there to buy notebooks, paper, and sheet protectors for Mike’s packet.  It was very, very crowded because of back to school sales and Friday night.  We would like to go back when it is not so late and not so crowded.

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