Monday, February 10, 2014

Zone Conferences are awesome!

Thursday – February 06, 2014 
Off to the temple again.  We pack a lunch.  I do feel better today and came to the conclusion that I am here to help my companion.  He is wonderful and so anxious to be anxiously engaged.  If I can help him in that, then I will be most content with that.  No baptisms were scheduled for the morning, so we did an endowment session.  Kind of cool to know that some of my ancestors will have the Montevideo stamp on their date. We had a youth group of young women (7) come in at 4 pm.  They were the same group from yesterday and they know I speak little Spanish.  But they all give me big smiles!  One girl is learning English, so she was quite willing to talk with me a little.  I was able to actually communicate with one brother who came in also.  They always ask the typical, name, where are you from, how many children, how many grandchildren.  So with being able to help an ancestor today and communicate a bit, I am a happier hermana.  

We were then invited by the Bingham’s to join them for dinner at their zone leader conference.  They are the other couple from the other Uruguay mission.  They are going to train us on the program they have.  I think it is like setting up a mini visitor center environment in each chapel.  They do it for 6 weeks in their mission, then we do it for 6 weeks in our mission.  Now, that was an awesome zone conference!  You could just feel the energy and spirit of these group of missionaries.  What a great mission president and wife they have.  Such a huge difference!  I know our mission just went through a great loss and they are kind of in mourning.  But at least we know how a mission should feel like after tonight’s experience.  Mike found some Elders working in his old areas and found out that his favorite maid, Mirta Diaz is still around.  He is so anxious to see her again.  We might get an opportunity this weekend because these open houses are happening this weekend and if the Bingham’s can work it out, they will let us come with them.  We worked with the Bingham’s in cleaning up which was a huge job after feeding all those young people. No paper plates. No automatic dishwasher.  Got home around 11pm and went straight to bed.

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