Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday February 14, 2014
Happy Valentine’s Day!  Although it is not a day celebrated in Uruguay, we did. 

I baked bread and gave some to the sisters and the Pugmire’s.  That left 1 loaf for us! The loaf pans here are a bit smaller so my normal 2 loaves recipe will do 3 here. 
I also did laundry today because the sun was shining.  I have a 2 hour block from 11am to 1 pm where the sun pokes into our patio.  I boiled up a whole chicken, to give me some more dinner and lunch options.  Good thing shopping day is tomorrow.
In between all that, I studied Spanish. 
Mike worked with Elder Pugmire this morning, helping Elders move into a nicer apartment.
He got home around 2:30 pm just in time to change and get ready for our first visit with Miguel at 3pm.  He offered us Coca Cola which is quite common here, even at church functions.  I didn’t participate much as far as talking, but I could tell Miguel was getting all his questions answered and was happy that we were there.  He invited us to come back tomorrow at 2 pm so his working wife, Rita could meet with us. Here is Mike’s journal entry: I spent most of Friday morning and part of Friday afternoon helping move the missionaries from one older run down apartment to a nice little duplex in the small town of Las Piedras outside of Montevideo.  The small Toyota short bed truck was loaded sky high 5 times and roped down.  Fortunately it was less than a mile from old place to new place.  The last trip we loaded the remaining stuff plus packed 6 elders into the small back seat of the Toyota.  The last two entered through the windows and laid on the laps of the ones inside with their legs hanging out the windows. We had a local priest helping also and he sat in a chair that was hanging half in and half out of the truck bed.  It was such a sight that it brought smiles from almost everyone that we past.  Don't think it meet safety standards for seat belts, etc. etc. etc. but they were one lane, some just dirt country roads and we drove slow.
Got back to the apartment where Debbie had been baking bread and washing clothes just in time to clean up and head over to a lesson with a less active prospective elder. Great discussion with him.  We even got on line with the IPad and started entering his genealogy.  We  set an appointment to meet again with him and his wife Saturday.

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