Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Houston, we have lift off!!!!

Monday – February 10, 2014    P-Day.  Good day for it!  We stayed home all day waiting for the installation of our internet.  They came (which surprised me because I really didn’t think they would show up today) around 3 pm and we have life back again! 

 We did the typical things like cleaning, laundry, and a little grocery shopping.  Mike washed our windows which made our ocean view even better!  We studied Spanish together. Mike asks me questions and I answer.  Then he makes that statement and I ask the question.  We only have about 10 question answers right now, but we rehearse them throughout the day.  
The best part of the day was Skyping with Mom.  I have missed talking with her.  She got me up to date with the happenings.  Estoy muy feliz!  I am baking bread tonight for the other mission zone as a thank you to Sister Bingham for a great weekend.  She does the cooking for them and they are doing exchanges tomorrow.  The smell of baking bread is a nice way to end the day!  

1 comment:

  1. Debbie wilk you share your bread recipe? It sounds like you guys are doing well. That's great! I think Mark would love to go back to Mexico if he could. Have a great day!
