Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Doodle Buddy Saves the Day

Tuesday February 11, 2014
We took the bus to the temple this morning.  I dropped off my bread to the hostel where the other mission has their meetings.  We had 2 groups come in for baptismal work.  The 2nd group was a family doing the work for their close relatives.  There is such a strong spirit of joy and gratitude when people do their family.  In between groups, Mike and I study Spanish in the confirmation room.  He is so patient with me.  I am progressing ever so slowly.  Sister Bingham told me that her short term memory is so short that she just had to repeat over and over over until it had hit her long term memory banks!  If I can accomplish the language as well as she has, I will feel great.  She has been out for 15 months. 
Elder Pugmire picked us up and asked us if we had seen the huge rainstorm.  He called it a monsoon.  He said in the 12 months he has been here, he has never seen anything like it.  I guess we missed it totally!  Didn’t even know it had rained.  The temple is very well insulated I guess.  

Elder Pugmire also told us that there were two things that he found to be addicting in Uruguay.  The first thing was a Uruguaysian drink called “mate”. 

He then said the second thing was my homemade bread! 

Tonight we received a list of the people who do not attend church regularly.  We have been asked to visit with them and offer any help they might need.  Mike needs a portable white board to teach with.  Then an answer to his dilemma comes.  
Doodle Buddy!  Playing with the grandkids during Sacrament meeting has paid off.  He is practicing as I post.  He has even added some fun faces to his progression chart.  

1 comment:

  1. I am up-to-date now on your blog :) It was a fun read!! -- and picture show :) Thanks for sharing and making it so fun. I know you are on your way with your program, talents and skills -- an the internet!! :) You are set to go!! And I get to watch it all :) and share my boring stuff with you :) Go team missionaries!! :)
