Monday, February 10, 2014

The Only Constant...

Tuesday February 04, 2014                  
Today was Zone Leaders Conference all day!  Usually the office people have been cooking for the missionaries, but the interim President from Uruguay has decided that we need a break from all that cooking which was fine by me.  I understood little of what was going on but could feel the great spirit of these young missionaries.  Last month they broke the mission record for baptisms.  I think the record was 153 and they did 156.  Elder Pugmire had told us last night that we probably should start working in the office.  He said that President Newsome had wanted us there.  After meeting these great young men, we were excited to do this and help our district be “the light” for the whole mission.  Mike had set out some goals and we were ready!  I was so excited to have direction.  The time last week for getting to know the area and some of the people was great but now it is time to get to work.  
daily inspirational quote Loss is nothing but change

This afternoon President Etchurguay (interim President) pulled us in for a quick interview and asked us not to serve in the office, but to serve in the temple!  That was totally unexpected.  So we walked over to the temple and met with President Diaz and he called us to serve as the Baptistry Coordinators on Tues, Wed, Thur, 10 am to 5 pm.  Hence the quote, "The Only Constant is Change".  

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