Monday, February 10, 2014


Wednesday – February 05, 2014   
We headed for the Temple at 9 am so we could be set apart. Mike of course now wished he would have brought his temple suit coat.  We have everything else.  They have some extra ones but they are muy grande.  He did find one that sort of fits, but it is made of a different fabric and doesn’t quite blend. After our day, we went to Portones to see if we could get my phone and iPad set up and also our internet for home.  Seems that no one quite knew in the office how it all works.  They called SLC and they said that we personally have to set internet up ourselves.  We found the Antel booth and she was very helpful.  But if we want the 2 year contract for unlimited everything, then we had to go to the downtown office to set that up.  Grrr! 
We ate at Subway and had some delicious ice cream. Their ice cream is the true “put on the calories”, creamy, yummy stuff!  
Came home (raining again) and we sat out in the front of our apartment and watched the rain.  

I am having a “melt down” moment.  Blame it on hormones, rain, or whatever but I am feeling homesick and overwhelmed with the language.  I didn’t know if I should share this with everyone, but this is reality.  This is the hardest thing I have ever done.  I am such a “home body” and have never liked being away from family.  (Exception:  age 17-20)   The temple today was frustrating to me because I could not communicate.  Everyone was super friendly and helpful, but I felt inadequate.  Anyways, it all came tumbling down in tears tonight.  

Mike is being so kind and helpful.  We rearranged our tiny front room and he put up  "the white board" .

He wrote some basic phrases and we tried to practice a bit.  We have a game plan to learn some new phrases and use them every week.  Still cried myself to sleep.  Tomorrow will be a better day.  It always is after the storm.


  1. I do not blame you one bit for having a melt down its sounds really hard :( and Brett and I thank you for sharing so we know what to pray for it helps us to know specifics! Much love !

  2. Fortunately for us nearly every one speaks English here. However, I am trying to learn more Dutch now that the rush to get 35 new apartments ready for the influx of new missionaries is over. Rossetta Stone is helping. My biggest frustration is the dutch Drivers training. It is among the hardest in the world. Carry on, Carry on, Carry on...

  3. I find that when it is cloudy and rainy here, which it is quite often, I get kind of depressed. Excercising everyday before work helps, but I injured my knee a few weeks ago so it's been kind of hard. It's getting better. I hope to get back to our morning walks next week. The first couple of months of a mission feel REALLY long, but once you start to get it, it goes along pretty fast. I just think that it is a different experience if you are not a teaching missionary. It is certainly different than we were expecting, but we're doing OK. It's really fun to visit with the missionaries when they come in. You will start to feel better pretty soon.--Madeline
