Sunday, February 16, 2014

Food and friends.

Saturday February 15, 2014
We did an early morning walk at 7 am on the beach.  I should have brought my camera.  A full moon was setting int the west against the twilight and as we were walking back, the sun was rising in the east and it looked as if it were coming up right out of the ocean.  It was a huge ball of orange.  We went with the Pugmire’s and did grocery shopping all morning.  We went to the Ferria, to Devoto’s and to Inglesa.  We found some corn premade taco shells, cumin and cilantro!  I am ready to make salsa.  Inglesa (English) does a lot of importing from the English markets.  Thing is, it may not be there tomorrow. 
After our shopping, I had to clean all the fruits and vegetables and put them away. By then, it was time for our 2 pm appointment with Miguel and Rita.  We were warmly welcomed and were served orange soda with some Uruguay pastries.  Rita was shy at first and had Miguel ask her questions, but she soon warmed right up and she is a very animated lady!  She spoke very clearly, no mumbling of words.   

Here is Mike’s journal entry: Saturday morning was spent shopping for groceries. Then Saturday afternoon we spent with Miguel and his wife Rita.  They had a lot of great questions which we answered.  Then we got on line again and this time entered Rita's parents into her family tree and reserved the temple work for her and Miguel to do.  They realize that they need to get active so they can get temple recommends and do the temple work for her parents. Great to see things begin to click into place in the hearts and minds of great people.

We had a little bit of time before our dinner engagement with the couple missionaries.  I Skyped with Mom and Rhonda.  It was a fun visit.  At 7:30 we went to dinner with Pugmires, Giles, Martins, Madsens, and Binghams.  It was our Valentine’s Day celebration.  The food was good, but they still lack any spicing up.  The food here can be pretty bland.  Towards the end of the evening, I started feeling achy. Seems like I might have caught a bug of some sort. 
Sis Madsen, Bro & Sis Harris
The whole group, Sis Bingham not in view.

Sis Pugmire, our nurse. Always taking phone calls
Plenty of food!
Elder Bingham, wife (not seen), Bro. Madsen works at American Embassy

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