Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Granddaughter from Uruguay

Tuesday March 4, 2014

We had HUGE youth groups at the temple today. We finally took a lunch break at 4 pm. We didn’t leave until 6:45 pm.  We had a taxi take us straight to our 7 pm appointment.  We met with Pedro, Ema and their children. They had two young boys that are only 9 months apart although there is one more boy named on the ward list. I am not sure why he wasn't there. Camila and her younger sister Charo were also there. Ema, the Mom was very friendly and willing to talk with us.  We tried to get her on the FamilyTree, but we found we had no internet connection for some unknown reason.                                                                                   

I talked with Camila or tried to talk with her through google translate. She is 17 years old and seems to hate life.  She has a cute smile though and her eyes sparkle when you can get her to talk without thinking about her other problems.  I told her she was cute and that I wanted her to be my substitute granddaughter.  She smiled at that. She has never known her grandparents.  She spoke in English to me, “Thank you por todo.”  Mike told her the translation was, “Thank you for everything.”  She repeated that sentence quite proudly.  We left the family with a prayer and an appointment to come and do a FHE lesson with them on Saturday at 6pm.  We told them we would bring the ice cream.  

We walked home because Mike’s phone got disconnected.  Not sure why.  The mission office is supposed to pay the bill.  My phone is not working, because I do not know the pin # to activate it.  It was a nice evening to walk anyways and only a half hour.  I would call tonight a success in bringing a bit of hope to a family.  We all need hope.

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