Monday, March 17, 2014

St Patrick's Day Oops!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Mike worked with Elder Pugmire today and I stayed in the apartment and organized on paper a check list of everything that needs to be done for an open house in the wards.  It turned out to be a 5 page check list.  At least it is all in one list now instead of many. We also went to another teen youth baptism in Canalones.  It is nice to go and play the piano for them.  This time Mike took measurements so that we can make a book stand.  At the next baptism we will go early and fix the piano so that someone else doesn’t have to hold the music while the pianist plays. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014
Mike and I had a nice visit with the Lopez family this afternoon. Camila and Charo were excited to show us their homework.  It was an English class.  They fed us some bread and then the ice cream that we had brought last week. 

Irish Flag Cookies RecipeI baked sugar cookies for them and taught them about St Patrick’s Day.  It was funny to watch Camila’s face as Mike tried to explain the wearing of green tradition so you don’t get pinched.  Her eyes widened in disbelief.  She couldn’t believe that anyone would want a pinch.  We came to discover that the word he was using meant more of a puncture, not a pinch.  After we got the correct translation, we all laughed.  A commitment was made to have us over Monday afternoon and we would do a Family Home Evening with them.  We also got a commitment that Camila would be available to take piano lessons tomorrow after church. 

Our 6 pm appointment had to be rescheduled because they were not back in town.  In place of our appointment though, Sister Berrios and Sister Zagarra came knocking on our door.  They wanted to borrow muffin tins but it was soon discovered that they had not had lunch yet.  It was 4 pm so we cooked an early Teriyaki chicken dinner with brown rice, quinoa, and green string beans fresh from the feria.  The sisters had never had chicken cooked that way and had never had cooked string beans.  Amazing.  Mike shared the journal entry of Frederick William Hurst about the spirit world.  Sister Berrios was quite touched and thanked him fervently.  She said she has been very stressed about what her grandmother was doing.  Her grandmother had recently died and for some reason, Sister Berrios has had some issues with her death.  This journal entry gave her great ease of mind.  They were here with all the other missionaries when we had the turkey dinner but tonight was their first visit with just us. This was no coincidence.  It was an answer to prayer.  

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