Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our First Capacitacíon

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Our first capacitacíon with Aeroparque barrio was today. We left at 8:00 am in the mission office truck. We wanted to make sure to give ourselves plenty of time to get lost and then find ourselves again. As it turned out, we only made one wrong turn and it didn’t take us but 2 minutes to turn around and get back on track.  We arrived at the barrio around 8:30 am. We were supposed to start at 9:30 am with Sunday School, but they didn’t have enough teachers, so they started with Relief Society and Priesthood first. 
We presented in the chapel the second hour. I thought everything went really well. 
From my point of view, running the projector

From the back of the chapel

The  only thing I had to go on was that during Sacrament meeting, I heard “capilla abierta” mentioned several times.  The orientation shows them what presentation materials we bring and tells them what is expected of them as a ward. The missionaries are really excited for this! The Obispo has been great to work with too. 
We stayed for Sacrament meeting and I played their electronic piano. We got home around 2 pm, had lunch and I took a well deserved NAP!  

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