Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I Like to Look for Rainbows

Friday, March 21, 2014
Elder Pugmire did not need the car today so we took full advantage.  We met with Elder Rydalch and Elder Gardner at the mission office and created the baptismal program handout for them.  We went to the Harris’ so I could help her reformat a cookbook that was created in Word.  We took them with us to Portones to do some shopping.  They don’t have a vehicle so they are very appreciative when they can get a ride.  They bought some bigger items because they didn’t have to carry them home.  We bought some speakers for the laptop.  Our presentation at some ward buildings may not have a sound system we can plug in to.
It was quite stormy today, but I saw my first rainbow!  Since we were on our way to a baptism it reminded me of the primary baptism song, “I Like to Look for Rainbows”.

The baptism was in the Malvin ward.  There were dos jóvenes being baptized.
We printed the programs with their picture that we had taken and stepped in to help set up a video presentation because their equipment didn’t work.
I gave my first public prayer in Spanish.

I was asked to lead the singing.  I did a lot of humming with the first song. “I Like to Look for Rainbows” isn’t quite in my vocabulary yet.  “Come Follow Me” was easier because they sing this song frequently and it was more familiar. Mike was asked at the last minute to give the baptismal talk. The Dad of the kids was muy feliz. He wants baptism too, but has to wait for other things to clear up. He graciously let his children get baptized so they wouldn’t be held up because of him. He was very touched by Mike’s talk.  We arrived home around 9 pm and had a late small dinner.

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