Sunday, March 9, 2014

Skills Being Used

Friday, March 7, 2014
We had a busy day with cooking for our mission.  We were out the door by 7:15 am. Breakfast was served at 9:30 am. We cooked ham and French toast. We served orange juice and bananas.  At 1pm we served taco soup with corn bread.  I made the corn bread and I was quite worried that it had flopped.  The ovens and the ingredients here are so different to cook with.  Turned out fine though.  I think that’s because missionaries really will eat anything. 

President Cook and his wife

After clean up, Mike went to the area office because they did receive our visa paperwork from Salt Lake. The office needed photocopies of our passports.  They now have to schedule a physical exam for us which is the next step towards our visa.
We figured out our phone problem.  The office forgot to record who had the phone.  Thinking it was a lost phone, they deleted it from the carrier Antel.  So, they gave Mike a new phone with a new phone #. He had to re enter all his phone contact information.  My pin # to activate my phone was written on the inside of the phone cover.  His iPad wasn’t working because he hadn’t put in the pin # they had asked him to enter.  He just ignored the message, not knowing what it was for.  Antel had never told him what that pin # was. Fortunately, he had brought his original paperwork with him to prove that this iPad was his so that they would give him the pin #.  So I think all our phones and iPad are now working again.

Saturday March 8, 2014
Feria in the morning.
Prepared lessons and visual aids for tonight.
Tried to get a taxi for our 2 pm appointment but after an hour and a no show taxi, we called back to reschedule for tomorrow at 6pm.
We were all prepared for our FHE at 6 pm but the only person that was home was Camila and her older sister whom we had not met previously.  We took the opportunity to get to know her a little better.  We also skyped with Kira so she could practice Spanish and have a new friend.  Camila tried a little English too.  Camila starts school on Monday. She goes to school from 7pm to 11pm.  Crazy!  She likes to do cleaning. Mike asked her if she could play an instrument.  She said no, but that she would like to play the piano. There we go!  So perfect.  I was trying to figure out a way to ask her if she wanted to learn the piano and here the opportunity fell right in my lap.  We decided to do it at the church, tomorrow after church at about 1 pm. At least doing this at the church, might help her feel the good Spirit vibes that are there. We left Camila after about an hour and searched out another sister. We only had to walk 3 blocks from our apartment. Seems we had a wrong address because no one knew her.
Mike calls her listed phone # and is leaving messages.

Came back to the apartment and stayed there the rest of the beautiful day.
Great day for sailing

or biking

or both sailing and biking

watching it all from the front of our apartment

including a kayaker

who almost caught up with the sailboat!

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