Monday, March 17, 2014

Lesson from the Past

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The baptistry had 3 youth in the morning and we had 2 youth at 4pm.  We were done at 5pm.  
We had a charla with Aida and Miguel at 6:30 pm. Her visiting teacher was there.  She works at the temple on Fridays.  What a great sister to support this sister who does have some challenges.  We taught them how to pray correctly.  We gave them a daily prayer chart so that hopefully we can help them create a habit of daily and nightly prayer. We also gave them a calendar to mark the positive things they do each day with a + symbol.   It was a great visit and we have another one scheduled for next week. 

I am so terrible at actually speaking Spanish.  I don’t know why it can’t translate from my head to my mouth correctly.  I brought them cookies and told them that my Spanish is not good, but hopefully my cookies are good.  I often feel like just giving up, but then I think of the people we are teaching and the principle being taught most often it is about not giving up. It is line upon line.  If you mess up, it’s okay as long as you keep trying and are progressing.  So I guess that needs to apply to me as well!  I am reminded of a picture I once gave to Justin…J  It’s hanging on my door now!

1 comment:

  1. I think my biggest fear was a language when I put in my papers. I struggled at the beginning with a un-loving trainer and wanted to give up a time or two but I could not give up I loved what I was there to do...Thanks for sharing it brought back memories of that!
    I am the RS pres and lately I have felt so burned our and frustrated. We just went through temple as a family and we were sealed. I Often through working through both of these I have wanted to give up..I m grateful that I have such fantastic examples in my life through the church like you to never give up!
