Monday, March 17, 2014

Game of Spoons

Sunday, March 16, 2014

We had Stake Conference today.  I played the organ because Sister Delgue was too nervous to play for such a big audience.  I think I have her convinced to play next week though.  After conference we took a taxi to go get Camila for piano lessons.  Her sister Charo came too.  Mike and I taught, so I guess he is learning piano too.  I taught Charo in the Relief Society room and Mike practiced with Camila.  Charo took to this really fast.  She seems to crave for the good things that life has to offer.  I am really excited to work with her.  While the girls were practicing on their own, Mike discovered that we were locked inside the building.  We had to call the office Elder missionaries to come and let us out.  We took a taxi back to their house and then on to our apartment. 
Sister Zagarra and Sister Berrios dropped by to ask us if they could use our computers tomorrow and they hadn’t eaten yet, so I fixed them a grilled ham and cheese on homemade sourdough bread.  Sister Berrios commented that I should open up a restaurant. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone.  I wore green today.  It was our P-Day which always means laundry, cleaning, and baking bread.  We had another good visit with the Lopez family.  I walked in and gave everyone a green 3-leaf clover to wear.  I purposely did not give one to Mike so that we could pinch him.  They little boys thought that was great fun.  I left one for their dad so that they could give him one after they pinched him.  Pedro was still working.  
We taught a lesson on prayer.  We had the prayer rocks, prayer charts and we also facetimed with Candiss so that both families could try Spanish or English with each other.  I also showed the Lopez’s how most of the kids were wearing green.  Tara and kids happened to be there for home school too.  It was fun to see everyone and the Lopez’s liked it too.  We then played a game of spoons.  Mike was not comfortable using a typical deck of cards and we don’t have any either.  So I printed 4 each of various pictures of prayer.  It worked really well and then I left the pictures with them.  The older boy played with the pictures even after "family home day" (evening) was done.  


  1. Hahah! Poor dad!

    I keep telling people here about you teaching people piano in Uruguay. I think it's great. Music speaks to everyone, it doesn't have language issues!

  2. ----and the fun continues on --
