Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Pioneer Woman

Sunday March 2, 2014

Today was Fast Sunday.  Our Sunday block starts at 9:30 am and we begin with Relief Society/Priesthood hour.  It was a great lesson on pulling everyone together.  There is a sister that knows English quite well and she translates the basics for me. The teacher had a cute picture of a person in a slingshot. (Try explaining that word in English!)  With that picture, the emphasis was on taking advantage of the momentum they have with the combining of the two wards. 
I was impressed today with the testimony of an older sister.  She shared with us how she became a member of the church a few years ago.  She was a devout Christian and was faithfully attending her church.  She had a very vivid dream where she saw herself attending church in a different building and she was very happy.  She had the strong impression that she needed to find that church building.  I don’t know how long it took her to find the Malvin chapel, but she did an extensive search all around Montevideo to find it!  I know that it in England’s early Mormon stories, people had dreams that led them to the church. 

I see Uruguay being in the “pioneer stage” and are having those same spiritual experiences. 

We participated in the “break the fast” lunch.  This was #2!.  We have been in Montevideo for over a month now. 

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