Sunday, March 9, 2014

¿Que Hora Es?

Sunday March 9, 2014
Had to get up early in order to be to church by 8:30am so that I could teach Sister Elisa Delgue how to play the organ. Mike set his iPhone alarm for 6:30 am.  His iPad was also set for 6:30 am.  So, his iPhone alarm wakes us up.  We get up, shower, dress, eat breakfast and as he says it is almost time to go, my mind is thinking, why is it still sort of dark outside if it is close to 8 am?  I check our wall clock and it is only 7 am!  We get to thinking that maybe the time had changed.  
¿Que hora es?
We looked at our cell phones and the time had not changed.  So what time is it?  I am thinking we have to “spring ahead” but the traffic outside is telling other stories.  Then Mike’s iPad alarm set for 6:30 am goes off.  Crazy!  So here is what happened.  We actually “fall back” one hour and the U.S “springs ahead”.  So when Mike’s phone alarm went off, it is on U.S time which meant it got us up 2 hours earlier than necessary!  His iPad went off at the proper change of time for Uruguay.  So our time difference now is only 3 hours!  Can’t believe I missed out on 2 hours of extra sleep.  Our cell phones didn’t change time until later in the day.  Go figure. 
My first organ student

I was able to spend some time teaching Sister Delgue and she did wonderful.  She even tried some of the bass pedals.  They now have an organist.  She asked me to play for Sacrament meeting though. She wanted to just listen. It was nice to play again.  Mike said that Bishop had told him that the organ hadn’t been played for 20 years!  The Stake President said that I had resurrected the organ.  They were both pleased and surprised when they came into the chapel with organ prelude music. 
Camila was supposed to come after church to start learning piano.  She didn’t come though.  Maybe next week.  I gave the music to her step dad, just so that she knows I was prepared to help her. 

This evening we had a car, so we drove to our 6pm appointment with Miguel and Aida. The address was wrong in the ward list, so we ended up driving way the wrong direction.  We eventually found them though.  We had a nice visit.  Mike gave her a priesthood blessing to help her with some addiction problems.  We have another charla set up with them on Thursday! 

  It was a good Sabbath day and to top it off, we got our very first letter from Raven today! 

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